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Business-Centered and Enjoyable
Wide Variety of Applications and Formats
Unsere Business-Events:
Intercultural Team Building for High-Flyers
Team Development Workshops serve to strengthen cohesiveness, reduce friction, improve cooperation, and proactively prevent misunderstandings in intercultural teams. They exponentially improve the communication and performance of your
global teams. Interactive and entertaining outdoor and indoor activities support Integration of intercultural teams. In a creative atmosphere, the intercultural knowledge is acquired faster, retained longer, and is more quickly transferred into practice.
Culture and Nature
Intercultural Workshops inspired by nature are especially efficient in conveying different perspectives and modes of working. Events held in an environment that is far removed from your office encourages the development of new ways of thinking. Our facilitators further accelerate learning. Our Culture and Nature Events are non-strenuous outdoor activities which are without exception easily mastered by all team members. The acquired crosscultural knowledge is transferred into a productive business life, accelerating the
learning processes and leading to “aha” moments.
Cross-Cultural Dining
Avoid Faux-pas! Capitalize on Knowledge of Business and Social Etiquette!
The importance of business etiquette in an international context is often underestimated. Seemingly minor details often play a decisive role in winning or losing a contract.
At our Cooking & Dining Events, workshop participants will acquire the skills needed to understand and respect the business etiquette of foreign partners — in an interactive and enjoyable dining atmosphere.
Would you prefer a more active culinary experience? In addition to our Dining Events, we offer Cooking & Dining Events, at which participants work together to prepare a variety of dishes under the instruction and supervision of our experts.
Enhance Intercultural Proficiency, Improve Teamwork
You can capitalize on Cross-Cultural Dining in two ways. On the one hand it is a wonderful opportunity to increase team cohesiveness and cooperation. Simultaneously, you can enhance participants’ knowledge of country-specific business etiquette.
Cross-Cultural Christmas
Program for Different Christmas Celebrations
At a special Christmas dinner, typical dishes and drinks of target countries are served, enjoyed and sometimes even prepared together in the event kitchen by the participants themselves. Participants will learn, for example, that Christmas is not the most important holiday of the year even in many neighboring countries; or, that traditional Christmas food varies considerably from one country to another. So, do not be afraid of adventurous cooking and dining experiments!
Intercultural Business Theater
Enhancing the Team Spirit
Whether used as a framework for conferences, a team building event, or a Highlight during a top leadership conference, Intercultural Business Theater serves as an efficient tool for enhancing cross-cultural team spirit.
Understanding and Reflecting Cross-Cultural Behaviors
Participants from different countries will work together to create a play, in which they are themselves the actors, directors and decorators. In the spirit of a comedy, serious issues of cross-cultural communication will be presented, understood and mitigated. A positive team spirit and relaxed atmosphere will enable participants to reflect upon their own behavior patterns. These simulated real-life experiences enhance understanding and accelerate the learning curve with respect to how they and their foreign colleagues and business partners “tick”.
Cross-Cultural Music
In our Music Team Development Workshops, participants overcome cultural barriers with help of the timeless and international language of music. These Events require no musical knowledge; all participants take part — e.g., as a conductor, text writer, musician or jury member — and assume roles in the musical process.
In the Music Workshops, all of the team members’ senses are engaged which guarantees faster learning and ease of application to the work environment. Due to the event‘s collaborative nature, team cooperation and cohesion is strengthened; and along the way, participants learn about the cultural identity of their colleagues.
Cross-Cultural Adventures
Our Adventure Workshops methodically combine intercultural learning with professional sport and live-experience sessions. Whether a Cross-Cultural Team- Building adventure in the desert, intercultural diving challenges in the South Sea, or exhilarating mountain climbing in the Alps — these invigorating and instructive events will not be forgotten!
Cross-Cultural Adventures will improve your team work and communication exponentially, thereby increasing the worldwide performance of your organization!
Evening Program for Cross-Cultural Training Courses
Our Business Events perfectly complement your management training. Interactive and entertaining “learning by doing” activities liven up the evening while enhancing intercultural understanding.
After our Cross-Cultural Dining Event, you will know how to avoid typical faux pas that lead to unproductive results and failure in intercultural collaborations. Through Intercultural Business Theater, participants are granted a unique opportunity to see the world through the eyes of their foreign business partners. This particularly effective process is not only enjoyable, but also stimulates and encourages continued reflection.
Cross-Cultural Incentives
Reward your local and foreign employees in unusual but gratifying way! Whether an Intercultural Teambuilding Event, a Cross-Cultural Dinner or Cross-Cultural Business Theatre — these enjoyable activities will immensely increase the Motivation of your employees worldwide!
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Our Cross-Cultural Leadership Workshops are designed to assist executives in successfully dealing with intercultural challenges.
Participants work together on analyzing and refining advanced leadership strategies and tactics. Based on value-oriented leadership styles, the skills and methods presented considerably enhance company performance and create a major competitive advantage.
These entertaining and interactive Leadership Workshops are moderated by our adept facilitators, who have a solid track record of international industry experience.
Top Management Events
Do you plan strategy meetings or management conferences? Whatever the Focus topic may be — development of an international corporate vision, mergers and acquisitions strategies, or top management strategies and practices — our Business Events, conducted in a creative and exclusive atmosphere, will noticeably and significantly contribute to the success of your business.
Our Cross-Cultural Frame Programs like Cross-Cultural Dining, Intercultural Business Theater or a Team Development Workshop provide engaging and beneficial change-of-pace activities that further increase international business success rates.
Cross-Cultural Customer Events
Do you want to offer your international customers a special event that will facilitate your company turnover?
Then inspire your customers with a unique, unforgettable business event that imparts business-relevant skills in an enjoyable atmosphere. Whether it be delicious Cross-Cultural Dining, humorous Intercultural Business Theatre, or a high-impact Team Development Workshop, your unique event will be longremembered by your customers. This event will significantly improve collaboration and communication between you and your customers, eliminate the need for indirect “official” channels of communication and increase turnover!
Cross-Cultural Corporate Events
Whether you are planning your annual Christmas party, a record turnover celebration, or a company jubilee, Cross-Cultural Business Events add a distinctive touch to your festivities! Global Cultures® offers a wide range of entertaining business-oriented events that optimally complement company events.
Frame Programs for Meetings and Conferences
Through our Meeting and Conferences’ Frame Programs you can greatly enhance the cross-cultural proficiency of your employees, while providing a welcome and enjoyable change-of-pace for presentation-weary minds. Whether a Team Building Event, a mutual Cross-Cultural Cooking Workshop, or role play during a Cross-Cultural Business Theater, we will assist you in selecting an event that is suitable for you.
Cross-Cultural Key Note Speeches
A Cross-Cultural Key Note Speech is the perfect culminating event for a conference or an international meeting. Themes such as “Doing Business in China“, “Specifics of Employee Motivation in the Arab World“ or “Challenges of Virtual Team Work“ will crown your conference and significantly enhance the intercultural competence of the participants.
Exclusive Events
Do you want to organize an exclusive and unforgettable event for your customers, business partners or employees? Held in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg or a villa in Tuscany, our Intercultural Business Events will stick in your customers’ and
employees’ minds for years to come.
A Russian Cross-Cultural Dining Workshop in a Czar‘s palace, a German-Chinese Business Theater Event in Shanghai, or Outdoor-Team Building in the Scottish Highlands — our professional and lively workshops delivered in an exclusive and inspiring atmosphere will clearly contribute to your ongoing world-wide Business success!
We will Design your Individual Program
High-impact events cannot be standardized, but must be tailored to meet the specific needs of your employees and your company.
At Global Cultures®, we know that you can reach great results only if your individual needs and requirements are taken into consideration. We will organize an unforgettable event for you!
Erfolgsraten steigern durch:
- Interkulturelle Kompetenz
durch Spaß am Lernen - Hohe Businessrelevanz
- Experten aus der Praxis
Experten aus der Wirtschaft
Das Gelernte bleibt über einen langen Zeitraum abrufbar. Hinzu kam der große Spaß in den Workshops und der Humor über unsere eigene Kultur.
Microsoft CEE Headquarters, Munich
Während des Trainings ist uns klar geworden, wie enorm die Mentalitätsunterschiede zwischen Russland und Deutschland sind. Dieses Bewusstsein wird uns in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem russischen Werk in Kaluga helfen.
Werkleitung und Fahrzeugbau Wolfsburg
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
Klare Kommunikation, gute Beispiele, praxisgerechte Herangehensweise.
Sulzer Pumps Middle East
Der Global Cultures Workshop hat es unserem Team ermöglicht, sich auf die Kernaufgaben zu konzentrieren. In der Zukunft wird dieser Workshop ein fester Bestandteil der Vorbereitung für alle Kollegen sein.
DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition, Wilmington, DE, USA